As a result of the fast growth of the world’ population, urbanization has led to many environmental issues. Especially, unscheduled growth causes various environmental problems such as air and water pollution and the formation of solid wastes.
The growing industrialization and urbanization in line with the continuously growing population bring along solid waste problems in many countries. The main causes of these problems is the absence of awareness of waste management in cities up to now, together with unplanned and insufficient systems of collection, transport and accrual systems in the course of waste disposal.
When taking potential risks such as increasing solid waste pollution, decrease of natural resources and the course of an uninhabitable environment into consideration, the solid waste management becomes more and more significant and studies are conducted for its improvement. Such studies include the whole process from the formation of solid wastes up to the final disposal in details.
Solid waste management enables less solid waste generation, recycling of wastes in the environment and the disposal of wastes without harming the nature.